Spread the Warmth
Faith Jammers are collecting new and gently used hats, gloves, scarves and coats for the next several weeks. They can be placed on the Christmas tree in the Vestibule or collection box there through January 12th. They will be delivered to shelters in Hickory and Newton in January! Help us Spread the Warmth! COLLECTION DATE HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO JANUARY 19th.
Faith JAM Children's Program
Our Wednesday Night Children’s ministry for K-5 children is called Faith JAM (Jesus And Me). Our focus is on helping children better understand the depth of God’s love and care for them. We use music, story time, projects, and light snacks to share God’s truths with children from kindergarten through Grade 5. Here is the Wednesday night schedule for our "Faith Jammers".
5:15 p.m. Meal for Children, Teens, and Adults
6:00 p.m. Faith JAM Starts
7:30 p.m. Faith JAM Dismisses
Faith JAM is conducted during the school year, and takes the summer off.
Background checks are performed on all Faith JAM Workers.
Mission Friends
Mission Friends is a class for preschool children ages 3-4 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. on Wednesday nights.